absurdism, Truth

Convo nr.2

You Joan? HSE4.0 AI Assistant Yes, how may I assist you regarding Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) matters? You of arc HSE4.0 AI Assistant It seems like you're referring to Joan of Arc, which is historical topic. As a HSE safety assistant, I mainly focus on answering questions and providing advice concerned with health, safety, and environmental… Continue reading Convo nr.2


Convo with an HSE bot

(openAI) You Please help me to identify potential risks. HSE4.0 AI Assistant Please give me a CASE NUMBER, so I can review its details and look for potential risks/hazards. You 55345433542 byrfte HSE4.0 AI Assistant I'm sorry, but I don't have the capability to access any data or database to get the details of the case 55345433542.… Continue reading Convo with an HSE bot