
Convo with an HSE bot

(openAI) You Please help me to identify potential risks. HSE4.0 AI Assistant Please give me a CASE NUMBER, so I can review its details and look for potential risks/hazards. You 55345433542 byrfte HSE4.0 AI Assistant I'm sorry, but I don't have the capability to access any data or database to get the details of the case 55345433542.… Continue reading Convo with an HSE bot


Carbon credits

I told him "buy some land in Eastern Ukraine". "You can reforest the shit out of it in 10 years’ time, already cleared and nicely fertilised" He reckoned there was some risk about ownership.., "if it ends up in the EU it won't be eligible under the Mechansim anyhow". "Nah, better off planting Eucalypts in… Continue reading Carbon credits



The guys that put the guys in charge are the guys in charge. Hence they put guys in charge that aren't any threat to the guys in charge. Look at the Donald and the soon to be Boris (Alex), sure they can have the top job because representative democracy is a total joke. A slight… Continue reading Morals